Organization By-Laws

CALIFORNIA ASSOCIATION OF THE DEAF, Inc. (A Non-Profit Corporation) ORGANIZATION BY-LAWS ADOPTED AS REVISED: 8/13/2011 ARTICLE I NAME Section 1.1 NAME The name of the Association shall be the CALIFORNIA ASSOCIATION OF THE DEAF, INC. (CAD) hereby shall be known as the “Association”. Section 1.2 STATUS The Association shall be a not-for-profit 501(c)3 organization, incorporated…

CAD’s History

by Emil S. Ladner It would be impossible, in this brief history, to recount all of the legislative, educational, economic, social, and other actions that have been undertaken by the California Association of the Deaf (CAD) throughout the last 100 years.  The Association has been the vigilant “watchdog” in protecting and promoting the rights and…