A message from CAD Board to deaf* communities in Southern California on wildfires.
Visual description: All CAD Officers are wearing blue ASL Celebration t-shirts on a Zoom meeting screen. Behind them shows varying backgrounds.
Dave “DE”: We the CAD (California Association of the Deaf) Officers wanted to share a message of our concerns, support and love.
Past a few weeks we witnessed a bunch of wildfires that appeared in Southern California that kept raging over time.
I know that a large number of many deaf people living all over the world are watching SoCal. Many of you have jobs, families, homes, and much more deeply rooted there in SoCal.
We are monitoring the situation while giving our support with great care. Before I let others have their own message to share, there’s some resources to share and reminders.
Dustin: We as CAD Officers really care about you all in the communities dealing with the wildfires ever since they broke out past one and two weeks. I know it’s not easy at all. You may feel alone in this situation, but no you are not alone. We are with you.
Also, I wanted to give appreciation to the interpreters who are working hard by attending emergency meetings by working with the officials side by side interpreting the news. Please let’s give recognition to the interpreters with many thanks for all they do.
Hugh: We at CAD wanted to show you heartfelt care about what you are going through with the wildfires. Our thoughts and prayers are with you in mind and spirit for going through traumatic moments there.
We want to show we support you!
Alexis: We wanted to show support to GLAD (Greater Los Angeles Agency on Deafness) for working hard with partner agencies, firefighters, interpreters, and so on to maintain transparency by working with people in SoCal to make sure they are evacuated safely and receive communication transparency with what’s happening. Many thanks to all!
We are here and happy to support you in any way we can.
Diedre: Thank you all who have been developing and creating promotional activities via the social media and website to broadcast resources and what to do in emergency situations, where to go, information and resources distributed. Many thanks!
If you need help and support with sharing your messages feel free to send it to our way by emailing to info@cad1906.org.
We are happy to share away. Our hearts are with you!
Everyone on CAD Board showing solidarity by showing their signs: “SUPPORT”