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Addressing Intersectionality in Education

Hosted by the California Association of the Deaf

Friday, September 13, 2019

RID Sponsored CEU Sessions

Each session is 40 minutes long, 0.065 Professional Studies – CEUs (0.26 total CEUs)

“ProTactile is for Everyone” – Roberto Cabrera

Session description: The DeafBlind People of Colors community in California has been growing strong in the last few years as more DeafBlind Leaders of Colors have emerged. This workshop is an opportunity to explore the impact on identity development in young DeafBlind People of Colors. The workshop is an opportunity to apply the ProTactile philosophy in promoting young DeafBlind People of Colors.

Educational objectives: 

  • Identify at least 2 ways you can reflect on educational Staffs’ attitudes towards DeafBlind, while allowing for Autonomy and identity development in DeafBlind youth in educational settings.
  • Identify at least 2 benefits and the impact of ProTactile and its practice in working with DeafBlind individuals.

About the Presenter:
Roberto Cabrera is a Senior Vocational Rehabilitation Counselor for Deaf, DeafBlind, DeafDisabled, Hard of Hearing and Late-Deafened (DDBDDHHLD), and in evening hours Roberto is teaching American Sign Language at local community colleges. Roberto is a mentor of the core team with DeafBlind Interpreting National Training and Resource Center and one of the leading mentors with DeafBlind Interpreting Training Institute at Western Oregon University. Roberto is representing different organizations: Counsil de Manos, California Manos del Corazon, and Southern California Association of the DeafBlind. As an active community member, Roberto has embraced his intersectionality identities – Third Generation DeafBlind, Dominican and Queer. Besides community involvement, Roberto loves chatting with people in ProTactile American Sign Language.

This session is eligible for 0.065 PS – PPO CEUs at the “Some” Content Knowledge Level.


“Plights of the Youth” – Raquel Espinoza-Ortega

Session Description: Young people are less likely to be open with people of higher status or “privileged” people in fear of having their deepest fears and secrets exposed, leading to insecurity and possibility of self-isolation.

Educational Objectives:

  • Define the term “privilege”, and how it affects the youth from marginalized communities
  • Attendees will be able to identify at least 2 areas in which Adults can create a safe and nurturing environment for students who may be from a marginalized community

About the Presenter:

Raquel, Better known as Taz to many friends and colleagues, we born and raised in Los Angeles, California. As very family-oriented Mexican-American woman, she enjoys spending time with her family and dog and appreciated their on-going support for her. She also is involved in her local community by contributing her time as much as she could.

After graduating from Marlton School in 2012, she attended National Technical Institute of the Deaf, one of nine colleges in Rochester Institutes of Technology. Her major at the time was Information Technology. However, she couldn’t see herself in this field of career, so she transferred to Mount San Antonio College in California, studying General Education, but it did not last long. It wasn’t until she attended Greater Los Angeles Agency of Deafness Inc (GLAD) event where she was volunteering at a booth that she finally realized her true passion. She was approached by one of the event directors who request her assistance in providing an interpretation for a woman with low vision. Despite not having experiences, Taz proceed with the woman’s approval. After the event had ended, the woman expressed a deep gratitude. At another event where John Maucere was performing, she was asked to copy sign for a group of deaf people with low vision. After she was done, she received so much praise that she knew what she wanted to do with her life. Deaf Interpreting became her passion.

Currently, Taz is attending Gallaudet University, situated in Washington D. C. This coming spring, she will be receiving her Bachelor of Arts in Interpretation. Despite many obstacles that occurred during her journey, she persevered and achieved her dreams. Taz is hoping to become a Certified Deaf Interpreter (CDI) to bring positivity and hopes in her future. She knows that her future is full of promises and will not abandon hopes and works hard to ensure that her dreams become realities.

This session is eligible for 0.065 PS CEUs at the Extensive Content Knowledge Level.


“Am Not Stopping, Join Me or Get Out of the Way!” – Sam Holden

Session Description: Purpose explain base on my research, data and talking with a lot of key leaders who had great impact on our Education system for our Deaf Community. It’s is my belief Black Deaf Youth and Adult living situation gotten worst. People need to understand every race has improve in many category when it comes to education and jobs. But when it comes to BLACK Deaf People, this is not the case and people will know there’s group out there who are White Deaf have played a role in making sure our generation education fails. At end of the day, goal to get the audience to understand our Black Deaf Youth are dying slowly. Will open up explaining how I was raise, what the challenges I faces due to color of my skin and how I find myself going to my own backyard with Deaf White people. During the 1990’s Black Deaf Youth were performing better than they are now as a whole community. They will learn top 3 reason why Black Deaf youth education gotten worst. . Then will show stats compare to now VS the 1990’s to show we have a serious problems and clearly some of the White Deaf leaders are playing a role on this on purpose. Will be able to explain how Deaf Schools are hurting our Black Deaf youth, how nobody continues to not pay attention and let this get sweep under the rug. More important to show our Black Deaf Youth are dying and slowly losing more control over our Youth Education to the point it be too late and no way to recover.


Educational Objectives:

  • Attendees will be able to compare and analyze 1990-93 vs 2015-18, and if the Black Deaf Community has improved in the graduation rates in High School and College.
  • Attendees will come up with 3-5 goals that will quickly help the Black Deaf Community as a whole as it relates to graduation rates.

About the Presenter:

Samuel Holden was born and raised in Sacramento, California. Graduated from Fremont School at the age of 15, went on to Gallaudet University and then to Sacramento State University. His bi-cultural background and focus on community collaboration has led him to a number of volunteer opportunities and community leadership roles. Samuel received a Bachelor degree in Special Education and Masters in Business Management.  Currently studying his PhD Social Justice Education Concentration.

Works for Purple Communication, Inc.   He also Executive Director for an agency that specializes in serving people with Development Disability challenges. Also provides special training in ‘I.E.P. meetings setting where parents and students learned to take control of their education.  Currently serving as Chair of the Board for NORCAL that provides services for Deaf and Hard of Hearing in California. Lastly of one of the most important role he proud to be doing is currently serving as 2nd term Vice President for National Black Deaf Advocates.

Samuel has daughter, his hobbies including cooking, spending time with family, playing basketball and loves to travel.

This session is eligible for 0.065 PS – PPO CEUs at the “Some” Content Knowledge Level.


“Why Does Intersectionality Matter to Me?” – Mingchen Yang

Session Description: The word “intersectionality” seems to be popping up everywhere. I believe that people should recognize the vital importance of intersectionality and take it into account for future endeavors. Based on my past experiences, I have encountered with number of discriminations and disadvantages at school.

Educational Objectives:

  • The attendees will leave knowing at least 3 new ways in which intersectionality can be applied to a student’s lived experiences.
  • The attendees will finish this workshop with the ability to define the term intersectionality.
  • Attendees will be able to list at least 3 possible parts of someone’s intersectionality.

About the Presenter:

Mingchen Yang (aka Ming) was born in Taichung, Taiwan. She was born hearing; then she became deaf at 8 months old. During 1980, Mingchen stayed with her beloved grandma and older hearing sister while her parents moved to America to find a job and a place to settle down. After a year, her grandma bought Ming and her sister to America for her parents. She went to oral program at Longfellow Elementary School. Next, she went to hearing school, Parras Middle School in Redondo Beach. She was the only deaf student at that time. When she was in eighth grade, her itinerant teacher taught her how to use ASL. Then, she enrolled the mainstreamed program at Mira Costa High School in Manhattan Beach. She finally found to fit in a group who were deaf like her. She received an AA degree from El Camino College, and then BA in Deaf Studies and teaching credential from California State University, Northridge (CSUN). She taught at Marlton School and was involved in students’ life activities such as cheer coach, academic bowl assistant coach, science club advisor, student council advisor, yearbook club advisor, class sponsor advisor, and athletic director assistant. After ten years, she decided to start a new journey and taught at South Hills High School in West Covina. She continues to be an academic bowl assistant coach and school club advisor. Beside her work and school life, she was a treasurer (8 years) and a president (6 years) of Southern California Asian Deaf Association (SCADA). She loves to encourage Deaf Asians in finding their own identity, culture, and self- esteem. The SCADA board recently hosted a big successful event – 20th Anniversary Gala on June 22, 2019. On that day, she was retired from being a president.

This session is eligible for 0.065 PS – PPO CEUs at the “None/Little” Content Knowledge Level.


SaVRID is an Approved RID CMP Sponsor for Continuing Education Activities. This Professional Studies program is offered at 0.065 CEUs per session (total 0.26) at the None/Little, Some and Extensive Content Knowledge Level,  (see description, above).

Non-Discrimination Statement:  California Association of the Deaf promotes an environment of mutual respect free of discrimination based on gender, sexual orientation, race, religion, or any other protected class.

Cancellation Policy:  All funds are non-refundable.  In the case of conference cancellation, funds will be reimbursed based on action determined by the CAD board of directors.

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