Stacy Abram’s #whyIsign campaign is partnering with California Association of the Deaf,
LEAD-K, and DawnSignPress for a 48-hour campaign during March 13-15th. Be on the lookout for more information about this exciting campaign partnership. Thank you Rosa Lee Timm, Adam Jarashaw, and Jon Ziev for your awesome volunteer work!
If you have questions, contact Matthew Sampson at mhsampson1@gmail.com
Image description:
A white female presenting person with long hair signs #whyIsign.
Graphics: What is your #WhyISign story??
A Black female presenting person with light skin signs #whyIsign.
Graphics: Visit #whyIsign for IDEAS!
A white male presenting person signs #whyIsign
Graphics: Share your story with #whyIsign March 13 – 15