URGENT TODAY!! Send Letters Of Support TODAY For AB 2004: Insurance to Cover Hearing Aids For Deaf Children

https://youtu.be/IW7SXuVFEkA (transcript in YouTube) In addition to sending letters, please make calls to all the offices! Additionally, if any of the Senators on the Committee are your personal Senators, make sure to call them and let them know you are a constituent. Senator Ed Hernandez (Chair) Senator Janet Nguyen (Vice Chair) Senator Isadore Hall, III…

CAD’s Third Open Letter to Starkey

March 2, 2016 Starkey Hearing Foundation Dear Marti Jones, Communications, We are still waiting for your response to have a healthy dialogue about what happened at the Starkey Hearing Foundation Super Bowl 50 event in San Francisco Bay Area. For clarification, CAD’s position with Starkey is not anti-hearing aids. It is about utilizing ‪#‎responsiblemarketing without resorting to ‪#‎inspirationporn. The…