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PPG:1:2011 – Definition of Deafhood:
One concept of the term Deaf as mentioned in Article II Section 2.1 PURPOSE is “Deafhood” which has multiple meanings. First posted as a counter to deafness, ”it describes the life-long process by which Deaf identity can be cultivated, maintained and deepened. It is a philosophical search for Deaf community and culture. This phrase was coined by Paddy Ladd.
PPG:2:2011 – CAD’s Key Focus Areas:
CAD recognizes American Sign Language (ASL) as the most accessible and natural language of and for the Deaf in America and therefore supports all activities that will preserve, honor, and promote ASL and Deaf Culture.
CAD acknowledges that employment opportunities for Deaf and hard of hearing Californians are still limited and there is much work to be done to improve the economic status of Deaf and hard of hearing people. CAD will assist in the development of innovative employment opportunities by working with appropriate state and local agencies to improve entry into a wider variety of careers.
CAD believes that accessible education of all Deaf and hard of hearing people is critical to the development of mind, body, and spirit. This includes support of an educational philosophy that will recognize and honor ASL and Deaf Culture, and provide the most appropriate learning choices for the individual.
CAD acknowledges that there is a growing variety of communication systems and tools available to assist Deaf and hard of hearing individuals with their day-to-day activities. Therefore, CAD will work with individuals or agencies to ensure that they provide the highest quality service, maintain trust and respect deaf peoples’ communication choices.
CAD will initiate and implement public relations programs, which show Deaf and hard of hearing people of all walks in life in a positive manner. CAD will also maintain a vigorous role in referring and aiding advocacy programs for rights of Deaf and hard of hearing people in the state of California.
CAD will serve as a watchdog for legislation and court proceedings and provide input on state policies as they relate to deafness and/or Sign Language.
CAD will provide referrals to various organizations throughout the state that exist to provide services, as well as other types of support, for Deaf Californians.
CAD will work closely with local/statewide businesses by attending chamber of commerce meetings in order to establish potential business ventures for Deaf and hard of hearing entrepreneurs. This is to provide greater economic opportunities for both Deaf and hard of hearing to make a positive impact within the Deaf community.
In 1952, CAD established a home for Deaf and hard of hearing people of advanced years. CAD will continue to maintain this home and oversee its daily operations to ensure that these residents receive the solace of services in their own language. Further details are outlined in a Memo of Understanding (MOU). A copy of the MOU is available on the website as a Read-Only document and is also available upon request by contacting the Association’s Secretary.