(transcript in YouTube)
In addition to sending letters, please make calls to all the offices! Additionally, if any of the Senators on the Committee are your personal Senators, make sure to call them and let them know you are a constituent.
Senator Ed Hernandez (Chair)
Senator Janet Nguyen (Vice Chair)
Senator Isadore Hall, III
Senator Holly J. Mitchell
Senator Bill Monning
Senator Jim Nielsen
Senator Richard Pan
Senator Richard D. Roth
Senator Lois Wolk
June 28, 2016
Dear ____________:
I am writing to express my support for AB 2004. We see every day what resources are needed and obstacles parents face. One of such barriers is the inability to afford devices such as hearing aids because insurance does not provide coverage. The average cost for new hearing aids is usually in the ballpark of $3,000 to $5,000 per hearing aid. If a child needs more than one, the costs double, and it comes from parents and or guardians pockets. This barrier needs to be removed.
It is important for parents to have this affordable option to get hearing aids, vs. the riskier option.
Please remove this barrier for parents with Deaf children and vote in support of AB2004.
(Your name and signature)